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Special Issue, 2013
Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology (MIJST) has planned to publish a Special Issue for Volume7(1) that will cover the 4th The Fourth International Fisheries Conference on December 1- 2, 2011 at Faculty of Fisheries Technology and Aquatic Resources, Maejo University, Chiang Mai.
Organized by : Aquatic Resources Research Institute, Chulalongkorn University in collaboration with Faculty of Fisheries Technology and Aquatic Resources, Maejo University and Faculty of Science and Fisheries Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya.
Special Issue on “Climate Change: Impacts on Aquatic Resources and Fisheries”
Issue Guest Editors and Editorial Board : |
Volume 7 (Special Issue 1)
Editor's Note
Maejo Int. J. Sci. Technol. 2013, 7(Special Issue1), i (PDF format) SummaryPlus | PDF |
Redel Gutierrez1,2, Niwooti Whangchai1,*, Udomluk Sompong1, Wiwat Prarom3, Norio Iwami4, Tomoaki Itayama5, Nakao Nomura6 and Norio Sugiura6
1Faculty of Fisheries Technology and Aquatic Resources, Maejo University, Sansai, Chiangmai 50290, Thailand
2 College of Arts and Sciences, Central Luzon State University, Science City of Munoz, Nueva Ecija, 3120, Philippines
3 Phayao Inland Fisheries Research and Development Center, Muang, Phayao 56000, Thailand
4 Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Meisei University, 2-1-1 Hodokubo, Hino, Tokyo 191-8506, Japan
5 Graduate School of Engineering, Nagasaki University, 1-14 Bunkyou-machi, Nagasaki 852-8521, Japan
6 Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba 305-0008, Japan
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed, e-mail niwooti@hotmail.co.th
Full Paper: Off-flavour in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) cultured in an integrated pond-cage culture system
Maejo Int. J. Sci. Technol. 2013, 7(Special Issue 1), 1-13 (PDF format) SummaryPlus | PDF |
Kanokwan Paiboonleeskul 1, Suppaluk Romratanapun 2 and Thanitha Thapanand-Chaidee 1,*
1Department of Fishery Biology, Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand
2 Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed, e-mail ffistnt@ku.ac.th
Communication: Ageing of shortspine spurdog in the Andaman Sea of Thailand
Maejo Int. J. Sci. Technol. 2013, 7(Special Issue 1), 14-21 (PDF format) SummaryPlus | PDF |
Kazuya Shimizu1, Hideaki Maseda2, Kunihiro Okano3, Takumi Hiratsuka4, Yusuke Jimbo5, Qiang Xue4, Haruna Akasako4, Tomoaki Itayama6, Motoo Utsumi4, Zhenya Zhang4 and Norio Sugiura4,*
1 Department of Life Science, Toyo University, 1-1-1 Izumino Ora-gun Itakura, Gunma 374-0193, Japan
2 Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokushima, 2-1 Minami josan jima-cho, Tokushima 770-8506, Japan
3 Faculty of Bioresource Science, Akita Prefectural University, 241-438 Kaidobata-Nishi, Nakano Shimoshinjo, Akita 010-0195, Japan
4 Graduate School of Life and Environmental Science, University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8576, Japan
5 National Institute of Environment Studies, 16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8506, Japan
6 Nagasaki University, 1-14 Bunkyo, Nagasaki 852-8521, Japan
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed, e-mail sugiura.norio.gm@u.tsukuba.ac.jp
Full Paper: Determination of microcystin-LR degrading gene mlrA in biofilms at a biological drinking water treatment facility
Maejo Int. J. Sci. Technol. 2013, 7(Special Issue 1), 22-35 (PDF format) SummaryPlus | PDF |
Apirak Songrak 1, Winai Bodhisuwan 2 and Thanitha Thapanand-Chaidee 1,*
1 Department of Fishery Biology, Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand
2 Department of Statistics, Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed, e-mailffistnt@ku.ac.th
Communication: Selectivity of traps for blue swimming crab in Trang province
Maejo Int. J. Sci. Technol. 2013, 7(Special Issue 1), 36-42 (PDF format) SummaryPlus | PDF |
Ruamruedee Panchan1,*, Tuantong Jutagate 2 and Supranee Wigraiboon1
1 Division of Fisheries, Department of Agriculture Technology, Faculty of Technology, Mahasarakham University, Mahasarakham, 44000, Thailand
2 Faculty of Agriculture, Ubon Ratchathani University, Ubon Ratchathani, 34190, Thailand
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed, e-mailr_panchan@hotmail.com
Report: Fish species composition caught by gillnets: Case study from Chi River, Mahasarakham province, Thailand
Maejo Int. J. Sci. Technol. 2013, 7(Special Issue 1), 43-51 (PDF format) SummaryPlus | PDF |
Thongchai Nitiratsuwan1,*, Suwat Tanyaros2 and Kansinee Panwanitdumrong11Department of Fisheries Technology , Faculty of Science and Fisheries Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya, Trang campus, Trang, 92150, Thailand
2 Department of Marine Science, Faculty of Science and Fisheries Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya, Trang campus, Trang, 92150, Thailand
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed, e-mailnitiratsuwan@gmail.com
Communication: Distribution of berried female blue swimmer crabs (Portunus pelagicus Linneaus, 1758) in the coastal waters of Trang province, southern Thailand
Maejo Int. J. Sci. Technol. 2013, 7(Special Issue 1), 52-59 (PDF format) SummaryPlus | PDF |
Waret Trachantong 1, Jongkon Promya 2, Supap Saenphet 1 and Kanokporn Saenphet 1, 3,*
1 Medicinal Plants and Reproductive Research Unit, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, 50200, Thailand
2 Faculty of Fisheries Technology and Aquatic Resources, Maejo University, Chiang Mai, 50290,Thailand
3 Materials Science Research Centre, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, 50200, Thailand
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed, e-mailstit.lilo123@gmail.com
Full Paper: Effects of atrazine herbicide on metamorphosis and gonadal development of Hoplobatrachus rugulosus
Maejo Int. J. Sci. Technol. 2013, 7(Special Issue 1), 60-71 (PDF format) SummaryPlus | PDF |
Chalermrat Sangmanee 1, Gullaya Wattayakorn 2,* and Pramot Sojisuporn 2
1 Southeast Asia START Regional Center, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330, Thailand
2 Department of Marine Science, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330, Thailand
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed, e-mailgullaya.w@chula.ac.th; gullaya@gmail.com
Full Paper: Simulating changes in discharge and suspended sediment loads of the Bangpakong River, Thailand, driven by future climate change
Maejo Int. J. Sci. Technol. 2013, 7(Special Issue 1), 72-84 (PDF format) SummaryPlus | PDF |
Chanyut Sudtongkong1,*, Supparat Kong-oh1 and Prasarn Intacharoen2
1 Department of Marine Science, Faculty of Science and Fisheries Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya, Trang, 92159, Thailand
2 Department of Aquatic Science, Faculty of Science, Burapha University, Chonburi, 20131, Thailand
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed, e-mailchanyuts@gmail.com
Full Paper: Geographical information system assessment of mangrove area changes under state versus community management in two communities in Trang province, southern Thailand
Maejo Int. J. Sci. Technol. 2013, 7(Special Issue 1), 85-95 (PDF format) SummaryPlus | PDF |
Tanathorn Vitisant1,2, Wannisa Leelaruji2,3, Suphang Chulalaksananukul4, Gullaya Wattayakorn 5,6 and Warawut Chulalaksananukul 1,2,5,*
1 Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, 254 Phayathai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok, 10330, Thailand
2 Biofuels by Biocatalysts Research Unit, Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, 254 Phayathai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330, Thailand
3 Programme in Biotechnology, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, 254 Phayathai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330, Thailand
4 Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University, Nakornpathom 73170, Thailand
5 Aquatic Resources Research Institute, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330, Thailand
6 Department of Marine Science, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330, Thailand
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed, e-mailwarawut.c@chula.ac.th
Full Paper: A high-activity lipolytic yeast isolated from Sichang Island, Thailand
Maejo Int. J. Sci. Technol. 2013, 7(Special Issue 1), 96-105 (PDF format) SummaryPlus | PDF |
Pramot Sojisuporn 1,2,*, Chalermrat Sangmanee 1,3 and Gullaya Wattayakorn 1
1 Department of Marine Science, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330, Thailand
2 Aquatic Research Resource Institute, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok10330, Thailand
3 South-east Asia START Regional Centre, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330, Thailand
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed, e-mailPramot.s@chula.ac.th
Report: Recent estimate of sea-level rise in the Gulf of Thailand
Maejo Int. J. Sci. Technol. 2013, 7(Special Issue 1), 106-113 (PDF format) SummaryPlus | PDF |
End of Special Issue
Contact Information
Editorial office: Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology (MIJST), 1st floor,Thep Sat Sathit Building, Maejo University, San Sai, Chiang Mai 50290, Thailand
Tels: +66-53-87-5533
E-mail : duang_bud@hotmail.com
© 2007 Maejo University |
[Volume 1, 2007 | Volume 2, 2008 | Special Issue 2008 | Volume 3, 2009 | Volume 4, 2010 | Volume 5, 2011 | Volume 6, 2012 | Volume 7, 2013 | Special Issue 1, 2013 | Volume 8, 2014 | Volume 9, 2015 | Volume 10, 2016 | Volume 11, 2017 | Volume 12, 2018 | Volume 13, 2019 Volume 14, 2020 | Volume 15, 2021 | Volume 16, 2022 | Volume 17, 2023 | Volume 18, 2024 | Volume 19, 2025
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